Przejdź do głównej treści Przejdź do wyszukiwarki
Biblioteka Wielokulturowa

O Bibliotece


The Public Library is a separate organizational unit which functions as a self-governmental cultural institution. It consists of 25 branches which create a network of library, information, and cultural services for the residents of Praga Południe district.
The Public Library operates on the basis of the statute passed by the Resolution of the Council of  the Capital City of Warsaw on the 1st of July 2004. The Public Library has cooperated with the British Council since the 28th of  July 2008.

District library network consists of:

  • Reading Room
  • The Foreign Languages Library
  • The Audiobooks and Media Library
  • 15 Lending Libraries for Adults
  • 7 Children's Libraries
  • The Computing and IT Education Section (Internet Cafe)

The network of libraries is located in the Praga Południe district in a most convenient way to provide easy access to the collection and library services.
Each branch of the Public Library functions in a similar way, but has a slightly different nature, specializes in a different type of collection as well as offers a different range of available services. The branches complement each other in their activities. They cooperate with each other and provide a great and diversified offer for readers in the district.

Library Mission

The mission of the Library is to support cultural and social education of the residents of Praga Południe district at all levels of knowledge, to assure satisfaction of needs and expectations of current and potential users of library facilities in the city, including the optimal use of the vast collection from the current publishing production, tailored to age, culture, and social requirements of diverse groups. Equally important is the promotion of culture and traditions of the region and country, which constitutes the level of awareness of citizens and tells about their identification with the homeland, Poland.

To accomplish this mission, the library has the following objectives:

  • Promotion of books and readership
  • A better, more personalized customer service
  • Assistance in acquiring education, ensuring the access to knowledge and information
  • Creation of the conditions for cultured usage of free time
  • Maintenance and development of the sources of information as well as computer and technical infrastructure
  • Creation of a uniform system of information for district libraries
  • Development of the model of the cooperation of libraries in Warsaw
  • Cooperation with cultural institutions and other institutions operating in the district and country


Library accessible and convenient for work, relax, and fulfillment, as well as popularizing lifelong learning.

"Satisfied users are the best spokesmen for Libraries"

Tasks of the Library:

  • The appropriate selection, collection, compilation, storage and making collections available
  • Making collections available in the Library, out of the Library, and between libraries;
  • Making information available;;
  • Bibliographic and documentary compilation, that is, the processing of information contained in library materials;
  • Finding and providing information on the library database system of information and search;
  • Preparation and conducting cultural and educational forms of  work with the reader with the aim of the dissemination of literature, art, science, and promotion of the cultural heritage;
  • Cooperation with libraries from other networks as well as other institutions and organizations with the aim of the development of readership and meeting educational and cultural needs of local community;
  • Planning and calculation of expenses on ongoing tasks;

The Public Library in the Praga Południe District, Capital City of Warsaw

Plan wydarzeń - kwiecień 2024

PRAgnienie czytaniA 2024

Warszawska akcja "Lato w mieście" 2024

Media społecznościowe

Odnośnik do stronyśnik do strony BibliotekiOdnośnik do profilu Biblioteki na portalu Instagram

Tłumacz PJM

Kody Legimi i IBUK Libra

Sowa Mobi

Fredro w roli głównej

Projekt "Fredro w roli głównej - kampania
na rzecz czytelnictwa w kontekście Roku
Aleksandra Fredry" dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury - państwowego funduszu celowego.

Narodowy Program Rozwoju Czytelnictwa 2.0

Dofinansowano ze środków finansowych Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego w ramach realizacji Narodowego Programu Czytelnictwa 2.0 na lata 2021-2025.

Góry literatury

Projekt "Góry literatury. Zdobądź szczyt" dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury
i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury – państwowego funduszu celowego.


Projekt finansuje Warszawa.

Projekty europejskie

Flaga Unii Europejskiej

Biblioteka dla Ukrainy / Бібліотека для України

Mapa bibliotek obcojęzycznych w Warszawie

Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej Biblioteki


Mężczyzna czytający gazetę
Wykaz prenumerowanej
prasy 2022 r. - czytaj



link do strony Ochotnicy warszawscy - miejski portal wolontariatu

link do podstrony Praskiego Koła Stowarzyszenia Bibliotekarzy Polskich

link do strony Bibliotecznego Punktu Informacji Kulturalnej

link do podstrony Dyskusyjnego Klubu Książki